- _______is the one class of decision support environment
- Normally selectivly query in OLTP system is __________
- Normaly selctvily query in dataware house is _______
- Prejoining technique is used to avoid demoralization normally slow down_______
- The most common base of range partitioning in data warehouse is on _______
- Full and incremental techniques are the type of _________
- Dm techniques focus on the concept of ____ and ____
- Data Extraction from Source system is a difficult task because source system is______
- It is called a _____ violation if we have null values for attributes where not null constraints exists
- All data is _________ of some thing real
- In System the contents change with time (T/F)
- If we remove the modification anomalies the table come ____ form
Subjective type questions
Q1) How dimension can be identified ? Explain with a suitable example? (3)
Q2) Describe physical extractions what is the difference offline and online extraction?(5)
Q3) We can classify anomalies in how many classes. Discuss each class of anomaly in detail?