Make your datesheet as soon as possible. Thats the way then you are going to get the desire time and desire seats and campus. If you get late then it could be a problem. Telling you the experience. That then you have to go outside the city for the seats.Or they will arrange extra seats for you and you have to wait for it. So thats the problem and you will not able to get the time and also you may be they force you to give 2 or 3 papers at same day. So if you want to make datesheet early then you can select the sunday what ever day you want to. you can give 2 3 4 or 5 papers in one day. ITs up to you. So be prepare your self. Also one more thing that if you are unable to make your datesheet. Then your computer will be computer based you know nothing it depend on this dump machine. so try to make it by your self.Wish you best of luck.any query post your message.