Published On: Saturday, October 31, 2009 | |
Fall 2009 Mid Term Examination will now commence on Wednesday, 2nd December 2009. For this, "Make your Date Sheet" interface will be available from 03rd to 10th November 2009.Due to the prevelent security concerns, no examination will be held on sundays until further decision For preparation join |
Due Date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 6th November 2009.
- To assess your overall understanding of Software Requirements Engineering
- To see your skills in making a Business Model of the system
- To check your level of understanding for Functional and Non Functional Requirements.
- How we create Business Requirements
Uploading instructions:
Please view the Assignment Submission Process document provided to you by the
o The assignment should be in .doc format.
o Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx020200786.doc).
o The assignment submission through email will not be accepted.
o Submit your assignment via VU-LMS system.
Rules for Marking:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment file is corrupted.
o The assignment is copied.
o The assignment material is directly copied from internet.
Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned no marks if you do not follow these instructions.
· Font style: “Times New Roman”
· Font color: “Black”
· Font size: “12”
· Bold for heading only.
· Font in Italic is not allowed at all.
· No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.
Assignment No. 2
Cs 504 Software Engineering
Total Marks 20 Marks
Note: - Recall the lectures delivered for Data flow modeling, object oriented and analysis design.
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to make you familiarize about software Engineering practices being done in the industry.
This assignment has following steps:
- Analysis Notepad core functionalities
- Make Use Case Diagram of these functionalities (at least 5 Use Case)
Students are required to provide a Microsoft Word file.
It should include the following items:
- Brief report on analysis
- Use Case Diagram
Marking Scheme
Requirement Analysis | 5 Marks |
Use Case Diagram | 15 Marks (3 Marks Per Use Cse) |
Note: Draw all diagrams in Microsoft Word file.
Due Date
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 5th Nov 2009.
Upload Instructions
Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to you by the
Rules for Marking
Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:
§ It is submitted after due date
§ The file you uploaded does not open
§ The file you uploaded is copied from someone else
§ It is in the format other than .doc
This assignment has been designed to enable you:
§ To understand how to use conditional jumps
§ To write, assemble and debug Assembly Language program
Write a program in Assembly Language to find the maximum number and the minimum number from an array of ten positive numbers. Store the minimum number in AX and maximum number in DX.
[Hint: Use the conditional jumps]
What to Submit:
Submit Microsoft Word document containing the assembly language code for the above mentioned program.