by Pakistan
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 23rd Nov, 2009
Uploading instructions
Please view the assignment submission pro
cess document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.
Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
· The assignment is submitted after due date and/or sent through email
· The assignment is copied
This assignment has been designed so that you understand the concept of:
- Exploring and examining one of the interaction styles i-e form-fills, in terms of its physical aspects, interactivity and usability
XYZ is a company that deals with two types of items/products i-e laptops and mobiles. This company requires a web based form for th
e online ordering of its products. For this the company’s requirements is to have a form that should at least have the following information
Order’s Description
- Item: Item tells whether the item to be ordered is either a laptop or a mobile phone (Assuming a customer orders only one type of item against each order)
- Quantity: Quantity of the ordered item
- Item code: Item code tells the unique code that has been assigned to each item
Customer’s Information
- Name: Name of the customer includes first and last names
- Address: The address where the customer wants to receive his order
- City: The city where the order will be shipped
- State/province/region: The state/province/region for order shipment
- Postal/Zipcode: To enter the postal code
- Country: Country where the order is to be shipped
- Telephone: The contact number of the customer
Following is the form that is provided to the company, for the online ordering of its product

You are required to:
a) Suggest any appropriate title to this form that depicts the purpose of this form.
b) Match the fields given in the forms with the fields required by the company and identify any missing field(s) in the form. Also suggest after which field in the form, the missing field should be appeared.
c) Suggest any appropriate changes in this form that can make this form more interactive.
You are required to give the solution of the above three parts of the problem by filling the last column (Solution) of the given solution table.
Solution Table:
Part | Requirement | Solution |
a | Title | |
b | Missing fields | |
c | Changes | |
by Pakistan
Maximum Marks: 20
Due Date: 24, Nov, 2009
DON’T MISS THESE: Important instructions before attempting the solution of this assignment:
• To solve this assignment, you should have good command over 16 - 20 lectures.
- Try to get the concepts, consolidate your concepts and ideas from these questions which you learn in the 16 to 20 lectures.
• Upload assignments properly through LMS, No Assignment will be accepted through email.
• Write your ID on the top of your solution file.
- Don’t use colorful back grounds in your solution files.
- Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.
- You should remember that if we found the solution files of some students are same then we will reward zero marks to all those students.
- Try to make solution by yourself and protect your work from other students, otherwise you and the student who send same solution file as you will be given zero marks.
- Also remember that you are supposed to submit your assignment in Word format any other like scan images etc will not be accepted and we will give zero marks correspond to these assignments.
Let a function f: R®R be defined by

by Pakistan
Due Date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 23rd Nov, 2009.
Total Marks: 20
Rules for Marking:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment file is corrupted.
o The assignment is copied.
o The assignment material is directly copied from internet.
Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned no marks if you do not follow these instructions.
· Font style: “Times New Roma
· Font color: “Black”
· Font size: “12”
· Bold for heading only.
· Font in Italic is not allowed at all.
· No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.
Question No: 1
Given below is the block diagram of a comparator circuit which compares two numbers (1st no is A1Ao and 2nd no is B1Bo) in such a way that Out put A>B will be 1 when 1st no is greater than 2nd no, output A=B will be 1 when 1st no is equ
al to 2nd number and output Ast no is less than 2nd no. You have to give the truth table of this comparator system, simplified Boolean expressions using K-map for three outputs and the circuit
diagram for the whole syst

by Pakistan

Solution of ECommerce
" <html> <head> <title>Registration Formtitle>
<script language="javascript"> function imran() { var naam=document.f1.t1.value;
var male=document.f1.t2.value; var pas=document.f1.p1.value;
var l=15; var s=6; if(naam.length==0) {alert("Name field is empty!");
return false;}
if(naam.length>l) {alert("Name must be maximum 15 character!");
return false;} if(male.length==0) {alert("Email can not be empty!");
return false;} if(pas.lengthscript> head> <body> <h1>
Registration Form h1> <form action="" method="get" name="f1" target="_blank"> <pre>Name
<input type="text" name="t1" size="15" value="">pre>
<pre>Email Address <input type="text" name="t2" size="15" value="">pre>
<pre>Password <input type="password" name="p1" size="15" value="">pre>
<input type="button" name="b1" value="Submit" onmouseover="imran()"/>
<input type="reset" value="reset"/> form> body>