
CS 101 Introduction to Computing Assignment # 01

CS 101 Introduction to Computing

Assignment # 01


Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on ____20-10-2009__________.

Upload Instructions

Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:

· It is submitted after due date

· The file you uploaded does not open

· The file you uploaded is copied from some one else

· It is in some format other than .doc


The assignment has been designed to enable you:

  • To learn about the concept of Semantic Web
  • To learn about the decimal to binary conversion and vice versa.
  • To know about the truth table.

Question No. 1

As you have studied basic concept of “Semantic Web” in Lecture #3

You are required to read carefully the below listed definition of semantic web

“The semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.”

I need to know a very brief and precise description of the above highlighted words in a definition in your own words in a single paragraph. (Marks 5)

Question No. 2

Convert the following binary and decimal number into their respective number system.

i) 396 = ( ? )2

ii) 101011 = ( ? )10 ( Marks 5)

Question No. 3

Prove right hand side equal to left hand site by using truth table

((A+B.C).(A.C+B))’ =A’.B’+ A’.C’+B’.C’ ( Marks 5)

(NOTE: Fill the given table and make sure the sequence of input remains same as it is given in the table below)




((A+B.C) .(A.C+B))’

A’.B’+ A’.C’+B’.C’

























CS301 – Data Structures Assignment No.1

CS301 – Data Structures

Assignment No.1

Marks: 20


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 20 October, 2009

Uploading instructions

Your Submission must include:

  1. A working MakeFile (Dev-C++ project File).
  2. All the Source Code(.h and .cpp files) necessary to compile and run your program.
  3. Place all the files in a folder then Zip that folder and Upload it on VULMS

Note: Use Dev-C++ which is available at VULMS (Download section) or you can use Dev-C++ 4.0 or any other version higher than 4.0.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.

o The submitted assignment does not compile or run.

o The assignment is copied.


The objective of this assignment is

o To give you some practice exercise of Linked List.


Write a C++ program to implement employee directory, which will let the organization to perform the following functions:

1) Insert the record of new employee

2) Delete the record of an existing employee

3) Find the record of an existing employee

4) Display Report

Following information of each employee will be stored

Employee ID: an integer value to store the unique id for each employee

Employee Name: the name of each employee.

Employee Address: Address of each employee

Employee Salary: a float value to store salary of each employee.


Following information of each employee will be stored

Employee ID: an integer value to store the unique id for each employee

Employee Name: the name of each employee.

Employee Address: Address of each employee

Employee Salary: a float value to store salary of each employee.

You can use the following structure to store the information of a single employee:

Struct Employee {

Int empID;

Char *empName;

Char *empAddress;

Float empSalary;

Employee * pNext;

}Following is the sample interaction:

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 1

Enter EmpID: 1

Enter EmpName: Ali

Enter EmpAddress: VU, Lahore

Enter Emp Salary: 20000

Record successfully inserted (Press any Key to continue….)

After the user presses any key the screen will be cleared and the menu will be displayed again.

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 3 (Now user enters 3)

Enter EmpID: 1

Record successfully deleted (Press any key to continue…)

After user presses any key the screen will be cleared and menu will be displayed again.

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 2 (Now user enters 3)

Enter EmployeID: 1

Employee successfully deleted (Press any key to continue…)

After user presses any key the screen will be cleared and menu will be displayed again

Welcome to employee directory:

1) Insert New employee

2) Find employee

3) Delete a record

4) Display Report

5) Exit

Enter your choice: 4 (Now user enters 4)

EmpID EmpName EmpAddress EmpSalary

2 Raza VU, Lahore 20000

3 Waseem VU, Lahore 25000

5 Aslam VU, Lahore 20000

Press any key to continue…

After user presses any key the screen will be cleared again and menu will be displayed

Welcome to employee directory:

6) Insert New employee

7) Find employee

1) Delete a record

2) Display Report

3) Exit

Enter your choice: 5 (Now user enters 5)

Are you sure, you want to exit(y/n) y

Program exited if user presses “y” and menu will be displayed again if user presses “n”


Object Oriented Programming (CS304) Assignment No.1

Object Oriented Programming (CS304)

Assignment No.1


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 18th Oct, 2009.

Uploading instructions

Please view the assignment submission process document provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date

o The assignment is copied


This assignment has been designed so that you would be able to identify objects and their relationships from the given problem statement(s). After the completion of this assignment you should have a good grasp on:

o How to analyze a problem statement with the view of objects and their relationships

o How to represent a set of objects and their relationship among them graphically.


Consider the case study:

A team has two types of players: Batsman, Baller. It is required to assess their performance in a particular tournament and thus find out the best player in each of the categories. The assessment criterion for each type of player is different. For batsman, it is the average of his scores through out the tournament. For ballers it’s the number of wickets taken in the tournament. Thus the performance is determined on the basis of score made (in-case of batsman), wickets taken (in-case of baller). There should be a display function that displays all the information of player of a particular category.

Design a class hierarchy for the players in which you are required to find out the best player in each category according to their performance in a tournament.

For this, you need to identify classes/objects, attributes against each class/object, operations against each class/object, type of association between (aggregation, composition or inheritance) classes/objects.

After identifying them, you need to make an object model. Your design should be such that which can be used to declare a list of players belonging to each category.

What to submit

You are simply required to make an object model in a word file and send it as your assignment.

CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Assignment # 1

CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming

Assignment # 1

Fall 2009

Total Marks: 20

Due Date

Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 17th Oct 2009.

Upload Instructions

Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:

§ It is submitted after due date

§ The file you uploaded does not open

§ The file you uploaded is copied from someone else

§ It is in the format other than .doc


This assignment has been designed to enable you:

§ To understand how effective address is calculated

§ To understand how physical memory address is calculated


Question_1: [marks: 6]

What is the effective address generated by each of the following instruction?

Initially BX=0x0100, label=0x0234, [label]=0x0010, and SI=0x00E1

(Offsets in part a, b and f are in decimal)

  1. mov ax, [bx+40]
  2. mov ax, [bx+20]

  1. mov ax, [bx+label]
  2. mov ax, [label+bx]

  1. mov ax, [bx+si]
  2. mov ax, [si+25]

Question_2: [marks: 14]

Calculate the physical memory address generated by the following segment:offset pairs (both are hexadecimal values).

  1. 0000:0100
  2. 0010:0000

  1. DAD1:2345
  2. 5432:FFFF

  1. FFFF:5432
  2. FEFF:4241

  1. 1020:0800

Assignment No.01 Semester: Fall 2009 CS402:Thoery of Automata

Assignment No.01
Semester: Fall 2009

CS402:Thoery of Automata

Total Marks: 20

Due Date: Oct 20, 2009

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.

o The submitted assignment does not open

o The assignment is copied.


The objective of this assignment is to provide on hand experience of:

o Recursive definition of the language.

o Writing Regular Expression of the language.

o Building of Finite Automata (FA)


Question No.1

a) Give a recursive definition for the language L, of strings containing the substring 00 defined over ∑= {0,1}.

b) Give a recursive definition for the language L, of positive integers divisible by 2 or 7

Question No. 2

Describe the languages (in English) defined over ∑={x,y} represented by the following regular expressions.

Regular Expression

Regular Language

(x + y)* (x+y) (x + y)*

(y)* x (y)* x (y)*

(x + y)* x (x + y)* x (x + y)*

(y)* x (y)* x (y)* + (x)* y (x)* y (x)*)

((y)* x (y)* x (y)* )*

Question No. 3

Construct a regular expression defining each of the following languages defined over Σ = {a,b}:

a) all strings that start with ‘a’ and have odd length, or start with ‘b’ and have even length

b) all strings that contain at least two b’s and at most one ‘a’

Question No. 4

Build an FA over Σ={a, b} that only accepts the strings starting with ‘ab’.


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before Oct 20,2009

Assignment No. 01 DBMS

Assignment No. 01

Total Marks: 20

Deadline date:

Your assignment must be uploaded / submitted before or on October 19, 2009.

Upload Instructions

Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:

§ It is submitted after due date

§ The file you uploaded does not open

§ The file you uploaded is copied from someone else

1. Read the problem description carefully looking for:

· People / Organizations / Things that supply information to or use information from the system => external entities (EE)

· Actions / Doing words / Verbs => Processes (P)

· Movement / Exchange of information / Data between external entities to processes, and processes to processes => data flows (DF)

· Store / Record information / Data => data stores(DS)

2. It often helps to walk through the system in its logical sequence; eg starting with an external entity (source), add data flows, processes and data stores as the data provided by the entity is manipulated by the system.


Draw a Context as well as Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of a Shop Sale Management System for a company sailing shops in different parts of country. The Shop Sale Management System works as follows:

Ø Customer Places order. System checks availability of the customer in customer file (If he / she is already a customer). If found, then approved otherwise a new customer is created. Here new customer’s info is sent to ledger file.

Ø Then the availability of shops is checked in the stock. If found, an Invoice is generated. Invoice info is sent to the customer, stock, ledger as well as sales department.

Ø If shop is not available at this time, then this info is also sent to the customer.


Ensure that you can analyze existing manual system and can draw Data Flow Diagrams of any proposed system.

Before Starting:

Detail study of existing system.

Rules for drawing DFDs.

Differentiate different levels of DFDs.

SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (Fall 2009) Assignment No. 1

For this solution follow the blog and write the comment


(Fall 2009)

Assignment No. 1

Max Marks: 30

Due Date:

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 19th October 2009.


- To assess your overall understanding of Software Requirements Engineering

- To see your skills in making a Business Model of the system

- To check your level of understanding for Functional and Non Functional Requirements.

- How we create Business Requirements


Uploading instructions:

Please view the Assignment Submission Process document provided to you by the Virtual University for uploading assignments.

o The assignment should be in .doc format.

o Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx020200786.doc).

o The assignment submission through email will not be accepted.

o Submit your assignment via VU-LMS system.

Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.

o The submitted assignment file is corrupted.

o The assignment is copied.

o The assignment material is directly copied from internet.


Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned no marks if you do not follow these instructions.

· Font style: “Times New Roman”

· Font color: “Black”

· Font size: “12”

· Bold for heading only.

· Font in Italic is not allowed at all.

· No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.

Assignment Topic:

The topic of the assignment is Software Requirements Engineering Lecture

3- 8 (writing business, User, functional requirements)

Assignment No. 1

Cs 504 Software Engineering

Total Marks 30 Marks

Note: - Recall the lectures delivered for Software Requirements engineering and solve your assignment accordingly.

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to make you familiarize about software Engineering practices being done in the industry. Here you will be given a very famous application (Website) of VU, Pakistan. You are required to perform Software Requirements Engineering analysis for this site.


This assignment has following steps:

  1. Visit and Analysis the “Apply online Admission form” at
  2. Identify the business requirements.
  3. Identify the User requirements.
  4. Identify the functional requirements.
  5. Identify the non-functional requirements


Students are required to provide a report, not exceeding three to four pages (not counting cover pages, references, appendices, or forms).

It should include the following items:

  1. Business Requirements
  2. User Requirements
  3. Functional Requirements
  4. Non-Functional Requirements

Marking Scheme

Business Requirements

5 Marks

User Requirements

10 Marks

Functional Requirements

10 Marks

Non-Functional Requirements

5 Marks

TIP: Virtual University Admission Form, students will have to analyze:

Form No:

Affix recent



(Please write down admission application Form No on the back side of photograph)

Please type/print in CAPITAL letters


STUDY PROGRAM: _____________________________________________________________

Admission information: Please indicate using (√) semester & write year you plan to have admission.

Spring (February) Fall (September) Year: ______________________________

STUDY AT (Tick one)

Virtual Campus

Home  overseas

Campus Code:








7. Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)





MAILING ADDRESS: (If different than above)


with area code

11. E-mail: (In block letters) ________________________________

NATIONALITY: ___________________________________

13. NIC:









Academic RECORD:



Name of Certificate/Degree

(FA, FSc., ICS,)

Roll No.


Marks Obtained

Max. Marks

Division / Grade


Matric / O levels


Inter. / Dipl. / A levels




Student ID

Bachelor of Science in


Course work completed? (YES / NO)

Project completed? (YES / NO)


fee deposit information Mode:

o bank draft

o bank challan




Check list: have you attached FOLLOWING ( the APPROPRIATE YES / no)

(a) One attested copy of new National Identity Card (NIC) of parent/Guardian. yes / no

(b) Three recent passport size photographs in an envelope writing your admission form number on it. yes / no

(c) One attested copy of Matriculation (or equivalent) exam marks sheet. yes / no

(d) One attested copy of Intermediate (or equivalent) detailed marks sheet. yes / no

(e) Three attested copies of Bachelor’s detailed marks sheet from Virtual University. yes / no

(f) 4th copy of fee deposited bank Challan form. yes / no


I solemnly declare that the particulars given in this form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have not concealed anything. I have never been convicted by a court of law nor has a case ever been registered against me. I shall not indulge in any activity, which is subversive or prejudicial to the interest of the University, throughout the period of my study, and shall abide by the rules of the University, framed from time to time. If anything is found contrary to above against me then University shall have the right to cancel my admission.

Signature of the Applicant ______________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________ Date: ______________

Note: incomplete applications are liable to be rejected without any notice.

Date Received on: __________________________ Received by (signature): ______________________________

" "

Form No:


Receipt for Application Form Submission (BS dual degree program for VU students)

Bachelor of Science (BS) in________________________ spring (February) Fall (September) Year: _____________________

Name of the applicant: _____________________________________________________________________________

Date Received on: _____________________ Received by (signature): ___________________________________

Note: You can download Admission form from.