(Fall 2009)
Assignment No. 1
Max Marks: 30
Due Date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 19th October 2009.
- To assess your overall understanding of Software Requirements Engineering
- To see your skills in making a Business Model of the system
- To check your level of understanding for Functional and Non Functional Requirements.
- How we create Business Requirements
Uploading instructions:
Please view the Assignment Submission Process document provided to you by the
o The assignment should be in .doc format.
o Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bx020200786.doc).
o The assignment submission through email will not be accepted.
o Submit your assignment via VU-LMS system.
Rules for Marking:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment file is corrupted.
o The assignment is copied.
o The assignment material is directly copied from internet.
Your answer must follow the below given specifications. You will be assigned no marks if you do not follow these instructions.
· Font style: “Times New Roman”
· Font color: “Black”
· Font size: “12”
· Bold for heading only.
· Font in Italic is not allowed at all.
· No formatting or bullets are allowed to use.
Assignment Topic:
The topic of the assignment is Software Requirements Engineering Lecture
3- 8 (writing business, User, functional requirements)
Assignment No. 1
Cs 504 Software Engineering
Total Marks 30 Marks
Note: - Recall the lectures delivered for Software Requirements engineering and solve your assignment accordingly.
Purpose of the Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to make you familiarize about software Engineering practices being done in the industry. Here you will be given a very famous application (Website) of VU,
This assignment has following steps:
- Visit and Analysis the “Apply online Admission form” at
- Identify the business requirements.
- Identify the User requirements.
- Identify the functional requirements.
- Identify the non-functional requirements
Students are required to provide a report, not exceeding three to four pages (not counting cover pages, references, appendices, or forms).
It should include the following items:
- Business Requirements
- User Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Non-Functional Requirements
Marking Scheme
Business Requirements | 5 Marks |
User Requirements | 10 Marks |
Functional Requirements | 10 Marks |
Non-Functional Requirements | 5 Marks |
TIP: Virtual University Admission Form, students will have to analyze:
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Admission information: Please indicate using (√) semester & write year you plan to have admission.
Spring (February) Fall (September) Year: ______________________________
STUDY AT (Tick one) | Virtual Campus | Home overseas | Campus Code: | |
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MAILING ADDRESS: (If different than above)
14. |
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No. | Certificate/Diploma/Degree | Name of Certificate/Degree (FA, FSc., ICS,) | Roll No. | Year | Marks Obtained | Max. Marks | Division / Grade |
1 | Matric / O levels | | | | | | |
2 | Inter. / Dipl. / A levels | | | | | | |
Student ID | Bachelor of Science in | CGPA | Course work completed? (YES / NO) Project completed? (YES / NO) |
| | |
fee deposit information Mode: | o bank draft o bank challan | challan: | o HBL o BAF |
Check list: have you attached FOLLOWING (√ the APPROPRIATE YES / no)
(a) One attested copy of new National Identity Card (NIC) of parent/Guardian. yes / no
(b) Three recent passport size photographs in an envelope writing your admission form number on it. yes / no
(c) One attested copy of Matriculation (or equivalent) exam marks sheet. yes / no
(d) One attested copy of Intermediate (or equivalent) detailed marks sheet. yes / no
(e) Three attested copies of Bachelor’s detailed marks sheet from
(f) 4th copy of fee deposited bank Challan form. yes / no
I solemnly declare that the particulars given in this form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have not concealed anything. I have never been convicted by a court of law nor has a case ever been registered against me. I shall not indulge in any activity, which is subversive or prejudicial to the interest of the University, throughout the period of my study, and shall abide by the rules of the University, framed from time to time. If anything is found contrary to above against me then University shall have the right to cancel my admission.
Signature of the Applicant ______________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________ Date: ______________
Note: incomplete applications are liable to be rejected without any notice.
Date Received on: __________________________ Received by (signature): ______________________________
" "
Form No: | «FormNo» | Receipt for Application Form Submission (BS dual degree program for VU students) |
Bachelor of Science (BS) in________________________ spring (February) Fall (September) Year: _____________________
Name of the applicant: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date Received on: _____________________ Received by (signature): ___________________________________
Note: You can download Admission form from.
You could likely turn this information into an ebook with little effort, Good job on this great information.
It seems that assignments in Software Engineering are really difficult. Thank you for sharing this information!