
cs101 3rd december fresh paper

my recent paper of cs101 on3rd dec 1pm
write a software life cycle? 5marks
what are the steps for developing a software? 5 marks
what us URL? 1 mark
define URL? 1mark
what is hyperlink? 1mark
mill is -------- in analytical engine (processor)
tag is used for a new row in a table in this msn is a --------(domain)
in flow charts shape(mini rectangle) is for show ----------(start or stop)
______are the method by which software developers understand easily_______ i chose (phesudo code and flow chart both) other were phesudo code and flow chart and none of these
diode is a ____way valve?(one way)
2 were heuristic alogrithm i didnt remember the full but correct options were heuristic.
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