Q No. 1 (a): In how many ways can 4 boys and 5 girls sit in a
row if every boy and girl has to sit side by side?
In order to fulfill the given condition, the seating arrangement must be as
5 girls can seat in 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 ways
4 boys can seat in 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways
Total number of ways in which 5 girls and 4 boys can sit fulfilling the
given condition = 120 × 24 = 2880
Q No. 1 (b): Briefly explain the terms mutually exclusive
events, exhaustive events and sample space.
Mutually Exclusive Events: Those events that cannot occur at the same
Example: When we toss the coin, we get either Heads or Tails but not both.
Exhaustive Events: Events are said to be collectively exhaustive, when the union of mutually exclusive events is the entire sample space.
Example: When we toss a coin, then Heads and Tails are collectively known as Exhaustive Events.
Sample Space: Sample Space is a set which consists of all possible outcomes resulting from a random experiment
Example: Sample Space in case of a fair die is S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Q No. 1 (c): A fair coin is tossed. Make a sample space and find
the probability of the followings:
I. One head appears
II. One tail appears
III. No head appears
The sample space for a toss is S = {Heads, Tails}
One head appears = . = 0.5
One tail appears = . = 0.5
No head appears = . = 0.5
Q No. 2 (a): In a simple linear regression yˆ = a + bx , interpret the
coefficients “a” and “b”.
a is called the y-intercept, and b indicates the rate of change in y with
respect to x and is formally known as the slope of the line.
Q No. 2 (b): A computer while computing the correlation
coefficient between two variables x and y from 25 pairs of
observations, obtained the following results:
n = 25 , Σx = 125 , Σx2 = 650 , Σy = 100 , Σy2 = 460 , Σxy = 508
It was, however discovered at the time of re-checking that it
had mistakenly copied down two pairs of observations as
x y
11 10
9 7
While the correct values were
x y
14 8
12 9
Now find out the correct value of correlation coefficient
between x and y.
Correct Σx = 125 – 11 – 9 + 14 + 12 = 131
Correct Σy = 100 – 10 – 7 + 8 + 9 = 100
Correct Σx2 = 650 – 112 – 92 + 142 + 122 = 788
Correct Σy2 = 460 – 102 – 72 + 82 + 92 = 456
Correct Σxy = 508 – (11 × 10) – (9 × 7) + (14 × 8) + (12 × 9) = 555

= 0.41
row if every boy and girl has to sit side by side?
In order to fulfill the given condition, the seating arrangement must be as
5 girls can seat in 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 ways
4 boys can seat in 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways
Total number of ways in which 5 girls and 4 boys can sit fulfilling the
given condition = 120 × 24 = 2880
Q No. 1 (b): Briefly explain the terms mutually exclusive
events, exhaustive events and sample space.
Mutually Exclusive Events: Those events that cannot occur at the same
Example: When we toss the coin, we get either Heads or Tails but not both.
Exhaustive Events: Events are said to be collectively exhaustive, when the union of mutually exclusive events is the entire sample space.
Example: When we toss a coin, then Heads and Tails are collectively known as Exhaustive Events.
Sample Space: Sample Space is a set which consists of all possible outcomes resulting from a random experiment
Example: Sample Space in case of a fair die is S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Q No. 1 (c): A fair coin is tossed. Make a sample space and find
the probability of the followings:
I. One head appears
II. One tail appears
III. No head appears
The sample space for a toss is S = {Heads, Tails}
One head appears = . = 0.5
One tail appears = . = 0.5
No head appears = . = 0.5
Q No. 2 (a): In a simple linear regression yˆ = a + bx , interpret the
coefficients “a” and “b”.
a is called the y-intercept, and b indicates the rate of change in y with
respect to x and is formally known as the slope of the line.
Q No. 2 (b): A computer while computing the correlation
coefficient between two variables x and y from 25 pairs of
observations, obtained the following results:
n = 25 , Σx = 125 , Σx2 = 650 , Σy = 100 , Σy2 = 460 , Σxy = 508
It was, however discovered at the time of re-checking that it
had mistakenly copied down two pairs of observations as
x y
11 10
9 7
While the correct values were
x y
14 8
12 9
Now find out the correct value of correlation coefficient
between x and y.
Correct Σx = 125 – 11 – 9 + 14 + 12 = 131
Correct Σy = 100 – 10 – 7 + 8 + 9 = 100
Correct Σx2 = 650 – 112 – 92 + 142 + 122 = 788
Correct Σy2 = 460 – 102 – 72 + 82 + 92 = 456
Correct Σxy = 508 – (11 × 10) – (9 × 7) + (14 × 8) + (12 × 9) = 555
= 0.41
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