
Solution of HRM624 GDB fall 2009

Cooperation and competition between people and between groups have been shown to have profoundly different consequences for social dynamics and conflict. Competitive tasks or reward structures induce people to fight for perceived limited resources be they tangible or intangible. Research has consistently shown that competition: induces the use of tactics of coercion, threat, or deception; attempts to enhance the power differences between oneself and the other; poor communication, minimization of the awareness of similarities in values and increased sensitivity to opposed interests; fosters suspicious and hostile attitudes; increases the importance, rigidity, and size of the issues in conflict. In contrast, cooperation and cooperative tasks or reward structures induce: a perceived similarity in beliefs and attitudes; a readiness to be helpful; openness in communication; trusting and friendly attitudes; sensitivity to common interests; a de-emphasis to opposed interests; an orientation to enhancing mutual power rather than power differences.

It is just concept write it own words after getting this
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