
Solution of cs504 second assignment 2009

Roll No bc


This assignment has following steps:

  1. Analysis Notepad core functionalities
  2. Make Use Case Diagram of these functionalities (at least 5 Use Case)

Analysis notepad Core Funtionalities.

1. The notepad should have print command.

2. Show the page setup for to set the paper for taking printout.

3. Edit option should support like basic formatting font color change, font size, font change.

4. It should have the searching option.

5. It should have the search and replace option also the replace all.

6. It should open from run command and also from the command line.

7. It should show the some helping topic. Which help user if he need a small type of help.

The basic Funtionalities of the notepad core can be devide as per user requirement.

Simple user:

A simple user need text entering editing, copy paste, Basic formatting and printout.

Professonal user:

A professional user can be a programmer who want to use this as editor of a compiler and want to use more functions which are search, find, replace and view to shows the curser position on the notepad.

Make Use Case Diagram of these functionalities (at least 5 Use Case)

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