
CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Assignment # 3 Fall 2009

Due Date

Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 17th Nov 2009.

Upload Instructions

Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.

Rules for Marking

Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:

§ It is submitted after due date

§ The file you uploaded does not open

§ The file you uploaded is copied from someone else

§ It is in the format other than .doc


This assignment has been designed to enable you:

§ To understand how to perform Bitwise Logical and Masking Operations

§ To write, assemble and debug Assembly Language program


1) Write a program in Assembly Language to swap the nibbles in each byte of the AX register.

2) AX contains a number between 0-15. Write Assembly Language code to complement the corresponding bit in BX. For example if AX contains 6; complement the 6th bit of BX.

What to Submit:

Submit Microsoft Word document containing the assembly language code for the above mentioned programs.


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