
Solution of STA301 Fall 2009 3rd Assignment (Lessons 15-18) with detail

Question 1 3+6+6=15 Marks

Q.1 (a): In how many ways can 4 boys and 5 girls sit in a row if every boy and girl has to sit side by side?

Ans: Formula is given by

Q.1 (b): Briefly explain the terms mutually exclusive events, exhaustive events and sample space.
Mutually exclusive events: Two events A and B of a single experiment are said to be mutually exclusive or disjoint if and only if they cannot both occur at the same time i.e. they have no points in common.

Exhaustive Events: Events are said to be collectively exhaustive, when the union of mutually exclusive events is equal to the entire sample space S.

Sample Space: A set consisting of all possible outcomes that can result from a random experiment (real or conceptual), can be defined as the sample space for the experiment and is denoted by the letter S.
Each possible outcome is a member of the sample space, and is called a sample point in that space.

Q.1 (c): A fair coin is tossed. Make a sample space and find the probability of the followings:
I) One head appears
II) One tail appears
III) No head appear
Ans: The Sample Space is

(I) P(One head appears)=1/2
(II)P(One tail appears)=1/2
(II)P(No head appears)=1/2
Question 2 5+10 Marks
(a): In a simple linear regression , interpret the coefficients “a” and “b”.]
Ans: Y = a + bX
• Y represents the dependent variable
• X represents the independent variable
• a represents the Y-intercept
(i.e. the value of Y when X is equal to zero)
• b represents the slope of the line
(i.e. the value of the tan q, where q represents the angle between the line and the horizontal axis)

(b): A computer while computing the correlation coefficient between two variables x and y from 25 pairs of observations, obtained the following results:

It was, however discovered at the time of re-checking that it had mistakenly copied down two pairs of observations as below:
x y
11 10
9 7
While the correct values were
x y
14 8
12 9
Now find out the correct value of correlation coefficient between x and y.

Information System (CS 507) Fall 2009 Assignment No. 3

Due Date:

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 20th November 2009.

Max Marks: 20

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Q1. Why is Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) very important to National Economy? & list down the benefits of CIM. Marks (10+10)



Due Date: 19.11. 2009


  • To evaluate and enhance students’ understanding and conceptual learning of the subject.
  • To examine vocabulary, inferring skills and understanding of text through cloze paragraph.
  • To enable them to comprehend any text by sharpening the reading skill.


  1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
  2. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own or just copy pastes the material from handouts or any internet source without rephrasing it in his/her own words.

Q1. Define ‘Time relaters’ and ‘value words’ with examples. 3+ 2 =5

Q2-Complete the paragraph by choosing words from the list given. 10

commit, penalties, further, misdoing, occur, protests, enlist, injustices, forced, tragedy.

Those examples of poetic justice that----------in medieval and Elizabethan literature, and that seem so satisfying, have encouraged a whole school of twentieth-century scholars to “find”------------ examples. In fact, these scholars have merely----------- victimized character into a moral framework by which the injustices inflicted on them are, somehow or other, justified. Such scholars deny that the sufferers in a -------------- are innocent; they blame the victims themselves for their tragic fates. Any ----------- is enough to subject a character to critical whips.

Yet it should be remembered that the Renaissance writer Matteo Bandello strongly ------- the injustice of the severe ----------------- issued to women for acts of disobedience that men could, and did, --------------- with virtual impunity. And Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Webster often ------------ their readers on the side of their tragic heroines by describing -------------- so cruel that readers cannot but join in protest.

Preparation for Vu Midterm in Short time.

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So the number of students in master degree are doing Jobs. So they dont have time to sit front of Computer,Tv to watch the whole lectures. They have very short time. So to get maximum number in exam. Vuexpert is telling some golden rules which will help you all to get maximum numbers.
  1. Try to get all the lectures on 1.3 fast track. Which means you increase the speed of your lectures to see all the lectures and suppose your lecture time is 45 minutes so by incresing the speed you will get this lecture on 10.5 minutes. So its good.
  2. Reference books are very important. The examination in Vu. We have 80% MCQ's, 5% Short questions and 15% Subjective. So the 85% of the material which come from the reference books. In notes you have not find any mcq's but in reference books of Vu Course you will get in the end of every chapter. So try to get them for example you can see in Cs601 Data Communication Course.
  3. In the end of every vu lecture. You will find a summary. Always see the summary carefully then you are going to get the keypoints.
  4. One more thing that we waste all the time on our assignments the assignment only gives 5 marks out of 100. So the 50% marks are for final term and 35% for the Mid term and 5 % for GDB and 5% for quiz. So try to prepare your self for the exams.
  5. Watch at least 2 lecture of each subject. Which will help you more. If you see one lecture a day then the next on other day. You will hardly understand and will not be able to relate the next lecture with the previous one. So for that you have to do a lot more effort.
So try to follow these rules and see what kind of result you get. If you have any query follow our blog and post it in social community or can comment here. Also you can email us at

Solution of CS507 Assignment fall 2009

Q1. Why is Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) very important to National Economy? & list down the benefits of CIM.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).

Computer Integrated Manufacturing, known as CIM, is the phrase used to describe the complete automation of a manufacturing plant, with all processes functioning under computer control and digital information tying them together. Quite often it was mistaken for the concept of a "lights out" factory. It includes CAD/CAM, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, CAPP, computer-aided process planning, CNC, computer numerical control machine tools, DNC, direct numerical control machine tools, FMS, flexible machining systems, ASRS, automated storage and retrieval systems, AGV, automated guided vehicles, use of robotics and automated conveyance, computerized scheduling and production control, and a business system integrated by a common data base. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) in engineering is a method of manufacturing in which the entire production process is controlled by computer. The traditionally separated process methods are joined through a computer by CIM.

Impact to national economy.

This integration allows the processes to exchange information with each other and enable them to initiate actions. Through this integration, manufacturing can be faster and with fewer errors. Yet, the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes. Typically CIM relies on closed-loop control processes, based on real-time input from sensors. It is also known as flexible design and manufacturing .This technology contributes to several national economic prosperity goals. Its major contribution is to job creation and economic growth because it is an essential part of the new manufacturing infrastructure centered on computer- controlled manufacturing. For example, by contributing to reducibility and lower costs of "clean cars," CIM support software plays an important role in making clean cars more economically viable and giving U.S. industry advantage in the new generation of vehicles for world markets. It provides one of the tools which can be used to excel at the products and processes identified by the NEMI as essential for future competitiveness of U.S. electronics industry in world markets. It provides the capabilities to work with new materials tailored specifically to the needs of automotive, electronics, construction and aircraft industries, and is essential to the design and economic production of sophisticated new automobiles and aircraft. Finally, CIM support software contributes to the harnessing of information technology because many of the physical components of the information infrastructure, e.g., integrated circuits, can be manufactured more productively with reliance on CIM.

CIM implies that there are at least two computers exchanging information, e.g. the controller of a arm robot and a microcontroller of a CNC machine.
Some factors involved when considering a CIM implementation are the production volume, the experience of the company or personnel to make the integration, the level of the integration into the product itself and the integration of the production processes. CIM is most useful where a high level of ICT is used in the company or facility, such as CAD/CAM systems, the availability of process planning and its data. Although none of what this says is correct.
Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM): It is the total integration of Computer Aided Design / Manufacturing and also other business operations and databases. It is concept/philosophy about the implementation of various integrated computer systems in factory automation. and Job Definition Format (JDF) are becoming increasingly beneficial to printing companies to streamline their production process.

The heart of computer integrated manufacturing is CAD/CAM. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems are essential to reducing cycle times in the organization. CAD/CAM is a high technology integrating tool between design and manufacturing. CAD techniques make use of group technology to create similar geometries for quick retrieval. Electronic files replace drawing rooms.
CIM benefit

According to the U.S. National Research Council, CIM improves production productivity by 40 to 70 percent, as well as enhances engineering productivity and quality. CIM can also decrease design costs by 15 to 30 percent, reduce overall lead time by 20 to 60 percent, and cut work-in-process inventory by 30 to 60 percent. Managers who use CIM believe that there is a direct relationship between the efficiency of information management and the efficiency and the overall effectiveness of the manufacturing enterprise. Flexible machining systems (FMS) are extensions of group technology and cellular manufacturing concepts. Using integrated CAD/CAM, parts can be designed and programmed in half the time it would normally take to do the engineering. The part programs can be downloaded to a CNC machining center under the control of an FMS host computer. The FMS host can schedule the CNC and the parts needed to perform the work. Just in time (JIT) – A Japanese idea that inventory is manufactured (or acquired) only as the need for it arises or in time to be sold (or used). A major goal is to cut down on inventory investment.

Solution of STA301 Fall 2009 3rd Assignment

Q No. 1 (a): In how many ways can 4 boys and 5 girls sit in a
row if every boy and girl has to sit side by side?
In order to fulfill the given condition, the seating arrangement must be as
5 girls can seat in 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 ways
4 boys can seat in 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways
Total number of ways in which 5 girls and 4 boys can sit fulfilling the
given condition = 120 × 24 = 2880
Q No. 1 (b): Briefly explain the terms mutually exclusive
events, exhaustive events and sample space.
Mutually Exclusive Events: Those events that cannot occur at the same
Example: When we toss the coin, we get either Heads or Tails but not both.
Exhaustive Events: Events are said to be collectively exhaustive, when the union of mutually exclusive events is the entire sample space.
Example: When we toss a coin, then Heads and Tails are collectively known as Exhaustive Events.
Sample Space: Sample Space is a set which consists of all possible outcomes resulting from a random experiment
Example: Sample Space in case of a fair die is S = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
Q No. 1 (c): A fair coin is tossed. Make a sample space and find
the probability of the followings:
I. One head appears
II. One tail appears
III. No head appears
The sample space for a toss is S = {Heads, Tails}
One head appears = . = 0.5
One tail appears = . = 0.5
No head appears = . = 0.5
Q No. 2 (a): In a simple linear regression yˆ = a + bx , interpret the
coefficients “a” and “b”.
a is called the y-intercept, and b indicates the rate of change in y with
respect to x and is formally known as the slope of the line.
Q No. 2 (b): A computer while computing the correlation
coefficient between two variables x and y from 25 pairs of
observations, obtained the following results:
n = 25 , Σx = 125 , Σx2 = 650 , Σy = 100 , Σy2 = 460 , Σxy = 508
It was, however discovered at the time of re-checking that it
had mistakenly copied down two pairs of observations as
x y
11 10
9 7
While the correct values were
x y
14 8
12 9
Now find out the correct value of correlation coefficient
between x and y.
Correct Σx = 125 – 11 – 9 + 14 + 12 = 131
Correct Σy = 100 – 10 – 7 + 8 + 9 = 100
Correct Σx2 = 650 – 112 – 92 + 142 + 122 = 788
Correct Σy2 = 460 – 102 – 72 + 82 + 92 = 456
Correct Σxy = 508 – (11 × 10) – (9 × 7) + (14 × 8) + (12 × 9) = 555

= 0.41


Eng201 Fall 2009 Quiz

It will give you alot more idea how to attempt eng201 quiz


ISL201 assignment fall 2009

1. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is an enlightening flame for all human
2. What qualities made him a paragon personality forever?

1st wala question hai kya?? samajh nahin aai yani us mein kya batain??

2nd wala bohat easy hai, us mein hum un ka adal-o-insaaf likh saktay hain, Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W. ki buhadri or daleri k wakiaat likh saktay hain, jab jihad per jatay to sab sahabion k sath mil ker kaam kertay thay is baray mein likh saktay hain. Un ki imanat daari k baray mein likh saktay hain jis ki wajah se kafir or dushman b unhain Saadiq yaani sacha or ameen kehtay thay, yeh likh saktay hain.