
Assignment No.02 Semester: Fall 2009 CS402:Thoery of Automata

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment does not open
o The assignment is copied.

The objective of this assignment is to provide on hand experience of:

o Building of Finite Automata (FA)
o Building of Transition Graph(TG)
o Finding Regular Expression (RE) corresponding to a Transition Graph (TG)


Consider the EVEN-ODD language of strings, defined over ∑= {a,b}, having even number of a’s and odd number of b,s.

a) Build an FA for the given language
b) Build a Transition Graph (TG) that accepts the same language but has fewer states than FA.
c) Find the Regular Expression (RE) corresponding to TG accepting EVEN-ODD language (Show all possible steps)

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before
Nov 11,2009

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