
Assignment No. 03 Semester: FALL 2009 CS201: Introduction to Programming


Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

§ The assignment is submitted after due date.

§ The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

§ All types of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.

Note: You have to upload only .cpp file along with both source and destination file (in .text format). Assignment in any other format (extension) will not be accepted. If you will submit code in .doc (Word document) you will get zero marks.


The objective of this assignment is to provide hands on experience of using

§ Basic concepts of C++ language and Programming

§ Function in c language

§ String manipulation in C++

§ File Handling in C/C++


§ Code should be properly aligned and well commented.

§ Follow c/c++ rules while writing variables names, function names etc

§ Use only dev-C++ for this assignment.


Problem Statement: File Handling in C/C++

On the basis of the given scenario create a file Expenses.txt, Open the file and copy into another Expenses2.txt, Also show output on screen

A college has announced the total budget of 50,000Rs.for each game. Games are done four times in a year. Take expenses as an input from user.

Calculate the average expenses for a game:

  1. If the expenses greater than 80% show as” Very Expensive”.
  2. If the expenses are greater than 60% and less than 80% than show “Expensive ”
  3. If the expenses are greater than 50% and less than 60% than show “Less Expensive ”
  4. If the expenses are greater than 40% and less than 50% than show “Not Costly”.
  5. If the expenses are less than 40% than show “Best”.


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before November 25, 2009

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